Types Of Cases Handled By Commercial Litigation Attorneys

Whether you have a small or a big business, there are always chances of disputes occurring. Disputes may happen for several reasons. Your employee might be unhappy with their wages, or your business partner may file a lawsuit against you. In most cases, handling business-related disputes requires the help of a Clearwater commercial litigation attorney

When facing litigation, you may be worried about your company’s public image, profit margins, and overall stability. To make sure your company does not suffer severe damages, you can take the help of a litigation attorney to speed up the process. 

Types Of Cases Handled By Commercial Litigation Attorneys

  1. Breach Of Contract 

When different partners in a business or when two firms make a deal with one another, they draft a contract. This contract states all the terms and conditions, interests, and objectives of their agreement. If one or more parties act contrary to the agreed terms, it is known as a breach of contract. Breach of contract can cause financial loss to your company and lead to the dissolution of the contract. 

  1. Real Estate Litigation

Real estate litigation refers to disputes arising from matters of real property or interest in real property. Real estate disputes can occur during the acquisition of property, or conflicts may occur from ownership rights. 

For example, disputes may occur because of material defects in the property that were not disclosed to you at the time of purchase. 

  1. Shareholder Conflicts or Partnership Disputes

The concept of business partnership has been going on for decades. However, partnership disputes are one of the most common disputes found in businesses. Conflicts may arise due to allegations on one another for not managing the company properly and being irresponsible. The root of many partnership disputes is one partner suspecting the other of mismanaging the funds and using them for personal profit. Differences of opinion often put the partnership deal at risk. 

  1. Disputes Regarding Intellectual Property 

This type of dispute occurs when someone uses the intellectual property of your business without authorization. Business law prohibits unauthorized people from using any item that belongs exclusively to a particular company, such as trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Usually, before using them, one must ask for permission in writing. 

Alternate Options To Dispute Resolution

If you wish to resolve a dispute without going to court, you may opt for the following options. 


Mediation involves a third party who attempts to seek a solution that is beneficial for both parties. A mediator considers the interests of both parties and makes a fair decision. A lawyer can help you get a fair deal.


In arbitration, the two parties choose a neutral arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators to attend a hearing. Both the parties receive a set of rules in writing from the arbitrator/s. 

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