How To Consume Better At The Office?

Although we are familiar with the digitization of work, thanks to technologies (Cloud, wireless), our offices remain very energy-intensive. Contrary to general opinion, the use of energy, paper, and resources in offices like in 623 N LaSalle Chicago for example that are not easily renewable is still very present. Now the question arises: can we consume better in the office?

Better Consumption In The Office: A Principle Of CSR

Consuming better and more conscientiously at work is a practice that is an integral part of what is called CSR. As a reminder, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a set of practices and procedures that a company can apply to respect the environment, act in favor of society and encourage sustainable development. This concept includes dimensions such as ethics, brand image, and ecology. Given our company’s abundant energy and resources, it is logical and relevant to put in place solutions allowing it to act efficiently and thus reduce its “ecological footprint.”

CSR thus involves a company both at the environmental level via the means put in place to act effectively and that of ethics via the image returned to society, which will directly influence its commercial performance and economy.

CSR, A Key Responsibility

A company or office such as Financial Advisors offices for lease for example that pays little attention to its environmental and societal impact and ethics, with questionable processes in its production cycle, risks seeing its image seriously damaged. For example, we remember the scandal of the sweatshops of large firms such as H&M, Nike, and Adidas during the years 1990-2000… They were confronted with major social campaigns by associations and NGOs, calling for a boycott and acting as a pressure group.

CSR is also of great importance for companies on a smaller scale. The means implemented can have a positive influence, influence the actions of the employee and motivate him. It thus also enters into the dimension of the “ability to express oneself and act” of QVT / quality of life at work, which we discussed in this article.

It is, therefore, in its interest to convey a positive image, both internally for its employees and externally, given the market. Some alarming statistics since we spend an average of 200 days/year in the office:

IT equipment represents 21% of a company’s electricity consumption. Even when switched off, it consumes energy.

In one hour: 180 million requests go through Google, which has a strong ecological impact

A fixed computer consumes 120 to 250 kWh/year. The Environment and Energy Management Agency recently drew up a report which included the following data: “4% of screens and 15% of central units are left permanently on unnecessarily”

An employee consumes 70 to 85 kg of paper annually (an average French person consumes 167 kg per year, etc.). 25% of documents are discarded 5 minutes after printing, and 16% are never read.

Still, on paper, its consumption has increased by 126% over the last 20 years, and it would be responsible for 40% of deforestation and 600 million tonnes of CO2 emitted annually.